What is self-care?
Self care includes the actions that you take to nurture yourself.
Self care requires MINDFULNESS and AWARENESS of what is or isn't nurturing your well-being.
Self Care gives your mind, body, and spirit what they need in order to thrive.
Self care is an important activity of everyday.
Self Care Ideas & Essentials for Healthy Living
Essential oils are compounds extracted from essential oils which have a wealth of proven health benefits. They're an affordable, versatile, and convenient way to improve your health and quality of life. One drop of Oil of Oregano goes a long way!
Exercise supports circulation by delivering oxygen and nutrients to your tissues reducing your risk for disease. Choose something that you enjoy from the endless options. Some examples are yoga, pilates, rebounding, walking, swimming, jogging, cycling.
Your body is made up of at least 70% water. Daily hydration is crucial for many reasons: To regulate body temperature, keep joints lubricated, prevent infections, deliver nutrients to cells, keep organs functioning properly, supports detox and elimination along with brain function. Proper hydration also affects sleep quality, cognition and mood. Not all water is the same. Quality matters.
Journaling may help you become more aware of your thoughts. Journaling doesn't need to be anything lengthy, but basically any thoughts written down on paper. A great example of journaling could be a daily "GRATITUDE JOURNAL" just choosing to write down 3-4 things that you are grateful on a daily basis. You'll begin to see your life as full of blessings.
When you are surrounded by others, you might set your own ideas and passions aside in order to appease the wants and needs of friends and family. Spending time alone allow you to learn about yourself, remove any pressures, recharge, and value those near you. Disconnecting from the busyness of life allows you to think deeply and allows time for reflection.
Reading helps with self development and empowers you as you learn about things that can help you become a better human being.
Our true self is who we really are when we let go of all of the stories, titles, labels, and judgments that we have placed upon ourselves. It is who we naturally are without the masks and having to pretend. Anchor to your strengths which are actually your gifts. Many times we find ourselves wishing to be like someone else who seems to be "perfect" in our eyes, ignoring your own gifts. I am not affiliated with this company but this helped me learn more about my gifts, talents and strengths.
Nurturing your body is foundational for overall health and well-being. Your body must be nurtured to function for you. Eating the wrong foods gives the body the wrong instructions, we then become obese or malnourished putting us at risk for disease. Something to ask yourself: Do you eat to live? Or do you live to eat?
Believing in a higher power helps us find purpose and to know that there is something greater than ourselves. Having faith in something bigger than ourselves can help us find peace.
We hold our breathe often without realizing it keeping oxygen which is vital from our body. I challenge you to this exercise of FIVE deep inhales and full exhales. Take a moment to close your eyes, listen to and feel that breathe of air as your chest expands. Imagine watching the air as it enters your body and also as it leaves.... take your time. Looking for peace? That inner connection and peace are there for you. Be mindful of your Breathing patterns not taking each Breathe for granted.
Practicing gratitude, helps to acknowledge the goodness in life. Gratitude unshackles people from negative emotions by shifting our attention away from negative emotions and focusing on positive ones. Also helps to see even the smallest of our wins and helps us to accept Gods will for our lives and find joy is the smaller things.