Restore balance through Colonics Hydrotherapy and Hydration
What isColonic Hydrotherapy
Colonic hydrotherapy also referred to as colonic irrigation, or colonics gently cleanses the colon by infusing filtered warm water to help remove toxic buildup. Used for thousands of years, this safe and effective detoxification technique softens harmful material, allowing it to be expelled from your body. If you aim to enhance your body’s elimination process, colonics can be a valuable step in that journey.
The colon acts as an absorbing organ, so when water is infused during a colonic, it hydrates not just the colon but the entire body. This hydration benefits all organs, which is why many individuals notice marked improvements after their first session.
For more detailed information about the procedure and its benefits, we encourage you to explore our Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs).
What type of system do we use?
Angel of Water Open Colonic System
A state of the art, top of the line FDA approved Type 2 medical device. It gently delivers purified, double filtrated water through a client inserted rectal nozzle.
The open system is very gentle and is usually the better choice for clients who have any type of bowel challenges. The open system is generally regarded as comfortable and more private than conventional closed systems.
Frequently Asked Questions
Q. How long does a session take?
A. 45 minutes. We ask our new clients to plan on being at our studio for approximately 1 hour 15 mins.
Q. Are colon hydrotherapy sessions habit-forming?
A. No. The purpose of cleansing the colon is to allow it to relax and rejuvenate and to promote better peristalsis.
Q. Can you see what comes out during a colonic?
A. Yes. You will see the matter removed through the viewing tube
How many sessions should I have?
Note: The number of sessions varies with each individual, your personal objective, and lifestyle. Discuss this with your therapist.
Q. Will one colon hydrotherapy session empty the colon?
A. Almost never. One hydrotherapy session will remove some of the stagnant waste. Many of us have a considerable amount of impacted feces in our colon. This is hardened wallpaper-like material. Multiple sessions must be done to remove it.
Q. Why Consider a Second Session?
A. After the initial colonic session, the colon retains a significant amount of water. Scheduling a second session 2-5 days after the first session often leads to more substantial releases. This is largely because the colon is already hydrated, making it easier to flush out impacted material.
Q. Why a Third Session?
A. Completing a set of three colonics is ideal for thoroughly cleansing the colon and establishing a strong foundation for digestive health and optimal results.
Q. What should I do to prepare for a colon cleansing?
A. Refrain from eating anything heavy 1 to 2 hours before the scheduled session, be as relaxed as possible and maintain a positive attitude. Be well hydrated (coconut water, electrolyte drinks are helpful) but avoid carbonated beverages, because they will add gas to the colon.
Q. What can I expect afterwards?
A. Most likely, you’ll feel great. Many report feeling lighter.
Any activity you would ordinarily be doing, such as work or exercise, is just fine to do. For some, the colon hydrotherapy may trigger several subsequent bowel movements for the next few hours, but there won’t be any uncontrollable urgency or discomfort. Occasionally clients will report feeling very tired following a session. This is not abnormal and we ask clients to honor their body’s signals and use the time for resting and restoring.
Q. Do colonics affect electrolyte imbalances?
A. As an added precaution following your session, your therapist will give you a cup of hydrogen water and a mixture of minerals and electrolytes to drink. This product helps to restore the small amount of electrolytes that may be lost during your therapy session.
Q. Can I work after a colon cleansing?
A. Certainly. Colon hydrotherapy should not interfere with your scheduled day.
Q. Will I be able to eat soon after getting a colon hydrotherapy session?
A. Yes. Eat a moderate amount of whatever seems gentle and nourishing to you. Cooked vegetables, soups and vegetable juices are the best choices. If you have a particular issue with your colon, like an overgrowth of candida or excess mucous, your therapist may suggest foods that support the improvement of these conditions; such as consuming less starchy foods, dairy products, sugars. It is always best to consume wholefoods for best nutrient intake.